Monday, March 5, 2012

Why am I here?

"What's the reason for this blog?  Who's behind it?  And why should I care?"

As one of my favorite characters on one of my favorite TV shows once said "Three excellent questions."

The reason for this blog is simple - I wanted a personal place to share my musings, ramblings and thought streams with others.  I was just using email to share new pictures and little tidbits, but sometimes I'd forget to include someone, and some folks don't check their email all that often.  And some things I can't share via email, like videos I've taken.  Hence the blog.

Who am I?  There really is no simple answer to that question.  I could tell you my name, age and where I live, but that doesn't really tell you who I am.  I could give you a family background, the story of my childhood, and other "ho-hum" facts, but you still wouldn't know me.  Hopefully this blog will give you a better idea of what makes me me than I could by giving you my life story.  (And, really, who wants to read that?)

Why should you care?  Well...I can't tell you that.  It's up to you to decide if you want to continue reading my blog or not.  Fair warning - this is going to be a fairly eclectic blog.  I'm not going to only stick to one type of post.  Some days I might ramble on about an idea for a new story I had, while others I might post updates on a current project.  Some might be brief, and some will no doubt go on and on.  But I can promise I'll never discuss politics (can't stand them), religion (don't have one) or work.

So...stick around, and we'll see where the next thought stream takes us.

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